Enter payment request subject to make it easier for other people in charge to distinguish with others.
Payment type
Choose among "Bnak transfer","Cash" and "Credit card" type
Choose the suitable payment type (what kind of expense does this payment cover for?) within the list of types available on the system.
Choose [Individual] if the payment's beneficiary if the requestor.
Choose [Other] if the beneficiary is the company's suppliers, not the requestor. After choosing [Other], there will be some information fields relating to the company's suppliers (which were created in advanced) displayed for the requestor to enter.
The amount of the payment
The payment's unit of currency
Additional note for the payment, such as what this payment covers for
Choose to add more details of payment, for example:
Meeting expenses payment includes:
20,000,000 VND - Venue renting cost
5,000,000 VND - Food cost
700 USD - Speakers' accommondation cost
Total amount of the payment will be displayed following to specific unit of currency here
Attach file if needed