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[2023 Version] Work shift approval
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A. Work shift assignment board approval (details)
B. Bulk work shift assignment board approval (details)
To assign work shifts to employees, an authorized account must approve the shift assignment schedule to update the shift assignment data in the employee's work schedule. To approve the shift assignment schedule, the approver follows these steps:
Company > Approval > Click on the detail icon at request approval > View shift assignment schedule > Select confirmation type (Reject, Approve, Change approver) > Confirmation
Work shift assignment board can only be approved on Website
If the approver selects "Reject", the request's detail window will display an additional "Reason for rejection" field for the approver to fill in (if necessary).
If the approver selects "Change approver", a dialog containing the approvers within the same approval step will appear (if any). This allows the current approver to choose a different person to review and approve the request.
If the approver selects "Approve", the approval screen will show an additional field for selecting the next approver (a mandatory field) if there are more approval steps after the current approver's step as shown in the image below. This field will not appear if the current approver chooses "Reject".
For requests of the same category, approvers can approve all of them by following these steps (only on website):
Request type filter > Select request type > Tick select all > Approve > Select confirmation type > Confirmation
When the approver is at the last approval step, they can click on the [Last step] button to view pending requests at the last step and approve all requests as instructed above (if necessary).
When there is an approval request, a notification will be sent to the approver's registered terra account email as shown below. Click the [Detail] button to view the request details on the website.