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[2023 Version] Salary Information

Main contents:

A. Salary information (details)
B. Labour contract (details)
C. Dependent person information (details)
D. Salary history and Attachments (details)
E. Status and Leave (details)
A. Salary information
To check the salary information, follow these steps:

 Steps: Individual > Personal data  > Salary



To view the details of the hidden data fields, click on the icon image-1693298513732.png
The data in this section is primarily used for salary calculation and to display the allowances that employees are entitled to.
  • Employees can view only the salary and insurance information. Only management accounts can modify this section. 

B. Labour contract
Employees can view the details of their labour contract with the company, click on the icon image-1702029329902.png to download.



C. Dependent person information
Employees can view their dependent information on this screen. Additionally, suppose employees want to declare additional dependents to provide data for the HR department's salary calculation. In that case, they can register dependent information and send it to their manager for approval by following these steps:


  Steps: Individual > Personal data > Salary > Dependant information > New > Input information > Update > Select the approver > Save





Full name
Dependent's full name
Tax code
The dependant's tax code has been registered with the Tax Authority and can be queried online.
Final month
Can be left blank in case the dependant's deduction period end date is unknown.
D. Salary history and Attachments
Salary history and personal attachments uploaded and updated by the manager will be displayed here.
To view the details of the hidden data fields, click on the icon. image-1693298513732.png


E. Status and Leave



Employees' workplace
Include statuses: Working - Unpaid leave - Maternity leave - Resigned.
Labour contract
Include contracts: Part-time - Probation - Definite term - Undefinite term - Multi-contract.
Include types of leave regulated by Labour Laws: Paid leave (Annual leave, Marriage leave, Funeral leave, WFH,...) and Unpaid leave (Maternity leave, Sick leave,...) 
Actual remaining paid leave
Employees' remaining annual leave hours up to the present time.
Available time off
The actual remaining leave hours minus the leave hours in the requests waiting for approval and the amount of time-off the employee has requested for future use.
The history of employee time off adjustments on the system.
Updated history (the screen after selecting [History]):


The month when the adjustment order was created on the system. The adjustment order is recorded when the employee requests annual leave, the manager imports a leave hours file, or the manager makes a manual leave hour adjustment.
Effective date
The time when the leave hours were changed. This refers to the date of leave on the request form, or the effective date of the leave hour adjustment in the imported leave hours file/leave hour adjustment screen.
Changed amount
The number of leave hours increased or decreased.
Changed reason
  • User: Changes made by the manager on the leave hour adjustment screen;
  • System: 
+ Changes made by the manager importing the remaining leave hours file into the system
+ Changes made due to employees' requesting leave
Notes from the person adjusting.