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Account(s) on terra System: The employee(s) should have their own account(s) to apply for leave, overtime, business trip, WFH, etc.
Time and attendance tracking data: The data can be entered manually into the system or uploaded to the system using the available template.
Application approval: All applications must be approved before payroll calculation.
Timesheet approval: Approving a timesheet means confirming and finalising it for the month. Timesheet approval is required before payroll calculation since the calculation will be based on the finalised timesheet(s).
Types of variables
System variable (S variable):
Dedicated to data registered on the system or data imported to create accounts. These data are automatically used for payroll calculation.
This type can’t be freely created. Their names (keywords), which start with an S, are non editable and predetermined by the system.
Dedicated to data not readily available on the system and can be edited by users.
Their names (keywords) start with an I. With input variables, a variable needs to be updated when its corresponding data change. If not updated, the system will use the most recent data of that variable in payroll calculation. To upload a variable import file to the system, it is required that all variables’ columns are filled in (enter 0 to cells with no data).
To access the data dedicated to a specific variable: Add “$” before the variable’s name.
S_STANDARD_WORK_HOUR : A built-in variable (system variable) with an S at the beginning of its name. It holds the data for standard working hours.
I_OFF_WORKING_WITH_SALARY: An input variable with a I at the beginning of its name. It can be created to hold the data for hours of paid leave.
F_TOTAL_OFF_ALLOWANCE: A formula variable with an F at the beginning of its name. It can be created to hold the data for the total amount of allowance.
$S_STANDARD_WORK_HOUR: Use the “$” sign to access and display the data held by S_STANDARD_WORK_HOUR.
Name a variable:
The variable for Hours of paid leave: I_NGHIPHEP_COLUONG or I_OFF_WORK_WITH_SALARY
The variable for the formula that calculates the total amount of allowance: F_TONG_PHUCAP or F_TOTAL_ALLOWANCE
When naming a variable:
Pay attention to its beginning letter.
Use an “_” after the beginning letter and type the name in uppercase.
Reference for system variables, common input variables and formula variables: http://bit.ly/3hE8WIO