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Social Insurance Declaration

Declaration for Social Insurance

terra System can assist in declaring information on employees for Social Insurance. Currently, the system supports Form D02-TS and Form TK01-TS.
To declare information on employees for Social Insurance and Health Insurance:
Under [Company], select [Salary & Insurance], then select [Insurance Claim Control]. In the [Insurance Claim Control] tab, select [Add new]. Then fill in the required information, select the employee for declaration, and select [Add employee].

Company > Salary & Insurance > Insurance Claim Control > Add new > Fill in information > Select employee > Add employee

Company_menu_Insurance_1.pngCompany menu
Declare for Social Insurance.pngSelect employees to declare for Social Insurance
Next, declare information according to Form D02-TS or Form TK01-TS. Then upload the document and select the Approver. Finally, select [Add] to finish.

Declare information according to Form D02-TS or Form TK01-TS > Upload document > Select Approver > Add

Form D02-TS.pngForm D02-TS
Form TK01-TS.pngForm TK01-TS
Select Approver.pngSelect Approver
Social Insurance waiting for approval 2.pngSocial Insurance document waiting to be approved

Approve Social Insurance document

To approve Social Insurance document:
Under [Company], select [Approval], then click the [Detail] button image-1662608222063.png to view the document’s details. Confirm the document, select [Approve] and select [Update] to finish.
BHXH Approve_1.pngCompany menu
BHXH Approve_2.pngApprove Social Insurance document